Thursday, December 14, 2023

2023 -- Doing good (for people our age)

Summing up the LaMont family adventures and misadventures for the year 2023 is no easy task. We had many glad times and we had a few bad times. There is a certain balance to life. Overall: we are good. We survived as we moved further into our ninth decade on the planet. We are still vertical. There were a few bumps along the way. But first, the good stuff.
Above: Zack and Katie in Spokane. Below: us with great granddaughter Jamie
We were blessed this year to be able to spend time with our children, grandchildren, and our great-grandchildren. Nothing is better than being entertained by the great-grands during a visit to Spokane, our cheering for our now-grown grands who are finding their way in a challenging world. And we are particularly lucky to live near daughter Ruth and her husband Brian. Every time we visit with them and their menagerie of cats and dogs is a joy that lights up our days. Their daughter Delaney and husband are still in the Boston area working on post-graduate education, and loving the new experiences. And son Connor is home again after four years in Southern California.
Camping on the coast with friends George and Patty and Ruth and Brian.
And we made it back to Spokane in the Fall to see son Zack, his daughter Katie and the greatgrands. Katie is enjoying her new apartment and her two precious children. Such visits are treasures even if it does seem to snow every year when we drive north. Pat and I are blessed with good health, "for people your age" as our doctors say, and manage to stay active in different pursuits. Pat spends much of her days helping people, keeping me on track and looking out for the less fortunate or those that just need a bit of help or a smile. I spend my time reading, puttering in the yard, hiking at the state park, or finding an excuse to do music with friends. music or a meal We find that sharing meals with friends is great entertainment. We traveled some. The highlight was a first-ever trip to Alaska, where we used the efficient rail service to get around, and finally got to see the splendor of that great state. Alaska as seen from the domed train car.
And we made our annual trek to the Northwest Coast for a week of camping with family, and managed to spend a few days close to the ocean, something we require to replenish our spirits. We also got to visit our friends Warren and Marsha in Seattle, which is always a joy to us, and will reunited with sailing buddies Michael and Sylvia next week in the Bay Area. We had a few challenges and losses. As we and our friends age, some inevitably are lost. This year it was our old TODAY newspaper pal Ron Caylor, who had retired gracefully in the Smoky Mountains where he made wine and raised Border Collies. Ron was a member of our first "band," three colleagues who won a prize doing folk music at a company picnic in 1967. He was still making music. I imagine his Heaven has music, a glass of wine, dogs around his feet and a view of the mountains. I took a bad fall in the spring, and was very lucky I did not break anything. I worked my way back in time for the Alaska trip, and got Covid (again) on the way home. I heal, just a little slower than in past years. Then during the trip home from Spokane I managed to get Shingles -- something new-- but it was a mild case. Good medical care took care of all that and we are looking forward to more adventures -- with family and friends -- in 2024.
Having a beer with naighbor Gary at the Lube Room to celebrate Christmas Trees. The goal for 2024 is the same as always: stay healthy, spend time with family and friends and keep moving.

1 comment:

Henry Baker said...

Good to see you still have a pulse, Sanders. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year. ~hbb (still ambulatory at 84)